Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Barrenness is Never a Blessing

There is a cry in the earth for the Son to beget (give birth to) sons, for the Stone to beget stones, for the Father to beget fathers, for the Shepherd to beget shepherds, for the Lamb to beget lambs, for those with the Mind of Christ to beget others with the mind of Christ and so on. We are never to stand alone in a place of identity or calling. We are first to be a disciple, then beget more disciples. Be fruitful and multiply doesn't just mean natural births, but is also is for spiritual births. This is a Kingdom principle.

Barrenness is never a blessing, but instead a curse. You must risk death, and lay down your life to beget. Will you participate with Him? He is our bridegroom and we should be longing with Him to be fruitful and multiply.