Sunday, January 27, 2019

A Stone in the Dump

A Stone in the Dump
January 27, 2019

As I sit, reading I Peter 2:4, I begin to see a Stone. All around the Stone is a dump, like someone threw it away. As I look at the stone closer, I notice that it is glowing with light. I move closer and as I move, I perceive that I am rolling and that I am a stone too. I am drawn to the Stone in the dump and when I am close enough, it pulls me like a magnet and I click into a niche that fits me like a glove.

I asked the Lord, what does this mean? He says to me, "This is how My House is built. Living stones (not living stone). The Stone + one stone does not make My House. There must be more. My people think that the Stone + 1 = the House, but there is a place for each of you living stones next to another stone. Not every stone can be at the top and in fact, the lower you are in My House, the closer you will be to Me.

Let yourself be drawn to the Stone. Like a magnet, I will pull you into your place. You will be crushed more the lower you go, but you will be closer to The Stone. 

Many will not come close because they think they can stand alone as My House. Many will miss out because they can't bear to go low. But those lonesome living stones will be covered up, never to be found in the dump of life, disconnected from their source, The Stone that was rejected by men.

Stubbornness and disobedience are nothing more than resisting My magnetic pull to your place in My House. It is hard for a person to go their own way, though their rebellion is like an evil driving passion. It is so contrary to what they were created to do that they must be deceived to think that striving is the right way.

Yield to My drawing. Be willing to go low and be pulled into your place to build My House. Don't struggle away when an ugly stone is pulled in next to you. For I, The Lord, will make it a perfect fit and build the perfect House for My Dwelling Place. 

The Stone that was rejected by men is the very foundation of My True Dwelling Place." 

Come to Him, the risen Lord, as to a living Stone which men rejected and threw away, but which is choice and precious in the sight of God I Peter 2:4

You, believers, like living stones, are being built up into a spiritual house for a holy and dedicated priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices that are acceptable and pleasing to God through Jesus Christ.  I Peter 2:5

So then, could it be that those spiritual sacrifices could be giving up my desire to be next to a certain person, to be in a certain place where I can be visible, to be in a place where I am (finally) recognized as important? Could it be that I give up all of my preconceived plans and yield only to His? To sacrifice my own idea of my rightful place?