This is a word that the Lord gave me on July 10, 2016. Early this morning, New Years Day, He gave me more about this as I asked Him about it.
As I sat in the sun today, I had a vision of a tiny white house with a huge solid rock out front and over to one side. As I examined that rock, I saw that it was a part of the foundation of the little house. The house was very old and in disrepair. The roof was green and had holes where rain was getting in. The windows were broken and the screens were torn. The paint was peeling and the porch sagging, with jagged holes in the deck and the steps. The yard was weedy and unkempt. The house appeared abandoned and it appeared that nobody had been living there for a long time.
The Spirit of the Lord said to me, "Look at this house. This is the place of my true Church, my remnant. It looks hopeless and like it would be impossible to restore. Sit down on that huge Stone and I will tell you what to do. It is a big cool Stone, a place of rest. For I am that Cornerstone, that Stone placed in Zion. This house is My Church with its true foundation perfectly intact. Rest here on Me, the Stone. Only here will you find that rest, to wait for your strength that will come right here from Me. These leaning walls and the sagging roof are easily replaced, for I am the True Builder and I know exactly what must be done. Wait patiently and find your rest in Me, the true Cornerstone. In quietness and peace I will give you your instructions.
While the false churches around you are crumbling and the other places are in chaos, you will quietly and peacefully begin to build as I tell you how. As Master Builder, I will supply all your needs for what I am about to have you do for Me. Don't look to the right or to the left. If you do, your heart will fail you for fear. But keep your eyes on Me, resting on that Stone."
I see many quietly coming, drawn by His Spirit, sitting down together on the Stone just waiting. He will provide the tools, materials and will give you the skills needed to do the work. Do not worry nor strive. He says, "I am bringing my remnant together and you will not be the only one." Watch for them. Wait for them. Join your hearts in unity as they come. For you will work as one man when it is time.
The Lord went to the dark place where I was and got me. He quietly and peacefully called me out of the darkness in which I sat. I did not find Him in a church, nor did I feel led to look for Him there. Instead, He came and rescued me right where I was, in a place of darkness, captivity and oppression. He has and will do the same for many many more.
The Spirit of the Lord will tell us when we find our brothers and sisters..He will lead us together to take our places upon the Stone. And He, the true Builder will begin to rebuild His Church upon that solid rock that will never be shaken. In my place of rest I will walk closely to Him, learning of Him and knowing Him in intimacy as long and as much as I possibly can. In this place, will I be given my skills, my provision and my instruction. I will also be given the brothers and sisters that will make this possible, the ones I will be joined with as His Bride. That unity and bonding is essential.
Today: January 1, 2017 I asked the Lord, It seems that I have been waiting a long time. How much longer before we help you build? The Lord answered me and said, with great love in His eyes, Not yet, My love. The time of waiting is nearly over, but building is not the next thing. I am sorry to have to tell you that tearing down must precede building. For how can we build when the house of the Lord is falling apart. The wrecking ball will be painful and the tearing down of sentimental traditions will bring much heartbreak to My people. But what man has built without My approval must be torn down and burned. Then, My beloved, we can start fresh, building according to My master plan.
2017 will be a time of tearing down. Stay close to Me and trust Me even when things are coming apart all around you. For I will NEVER leave You. I am calling upon My angels to assist you wherever you go. For My plans for you are GOOD.
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