Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Barrenness is Never a Blessing

There is a cry in the earth for the Son to beget (give birth to) sons, for the Stone to beget stones, for the Father to beget fathers, for the Shepherd to beget shepherds, for the Lamb to beget lambs, for those with the Mind of Christ to beget others with the mind of Christ and so on. We are never to stand alone in a place of identity or calling. We are first to be a disciple, then beget more disciples. Be fruitful and multiply doesn't just mean natural births, but is also is for spiritual births. This is a Kingdom principle.

Barrenness is never a blessing, but instead a curse. You must risk death, and lay down your life to beget. Will you participate with Him? He is our bridegroom and we should be longing with Him to be fruitful and multiply.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Identify with the Stone

I see the Stone rejected by men. I see how it was kicked down the hill. They said it was in their way, so the Stone lays where it landed. I climb carefully down the grassy hill and embrace it, laying my cheek against the coolness of the precious stone. I feel myself melt into it and I become one with the rejected Stone. Those who rejected the Stone, oh they don't realize (or don't care) that this Stone they were stumbling over was carefully and purposefully placed in their way. It was there to stop them from continuing in their own way. They stumbled because they were trying to go, willfully ignoring the fact that the Stone was indicating that this way was wrong. 

So they were offended by the Stone that sat in their way. And they kicked it out of the way, down the hill where it would be out of sight and out of mind.

I went out of my way to embrace the Stone and I became one with it. My identity is now with the Stone that sits in the way of men and causes them to stumble when they try to go past it along the way that seems right to them.

Come to Him as to a living Stone which men rejected and threw away, but which is choice and precious in the sight of God. I Peter 2:4

A Stone of Stumbling and a Rock of Offense. for they stumble because they disobey the word of God, and to this they were also appointed. I Peter 2:8

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Walking out of the Door for the Last Time

I see myself at my job, eyes full of love and sorrow at the same time. My heart grieves for those I am leaving behind, leaving a hole in the relationships and bondings. Hands reach out and try to keep me there, not wanting to let me go, but I tear myself out of their grasp, though I love them, and I walk out for the last time with tears running down my face. The door shuts and locks behind me and I know that I no longer have a key to go back inside. I fall to my knees in grief, not knowing quite where to go nor what to do next. I lay down and put my face to the earth, in the dust from which I was formed and let the last bit of my flesh die there, my breath ebbing away and finally ceasing. 

And so I lay there, in that valley of defeat, where my flesh finally gave up the battle and ceased to exist. And my weary spirit could not raise its head to revive itself. 

Then my Lord, the One who loves me so deeply, came to me so tenderly and whispered in my ear, "The journey has been too much for you, my precious one." And He Himself began to tend to my brokenness. He looked around and saw pieces of me laying everywhere, broken and seemingly irreparable.

I whispered to Him, "I'm so sorry.. I don't know if you can do anything, nor if you will want to. You can just haul it all's ok with me. I appear to be finished, shattered and broken under it all. I can just leave it here and come with you if you want. 

He looked at me with that love in His eyes that reaches to the depths of me and He gathered up all the pieces of me, even the ones I thought I had lost. And tenderly, patiently, He put me back together. He glued me back with His love-glue, soothing me with the oils of His love, healing my brokenness as only my Beloved can do. 

Then when He was finished, He took my face in His hands and breathed His breath into my nostrils. I felt the warmth of His hands and saw the love in His eyes. I did not want the moment to end, for as His breath began to revive me, I knew that the Object of my greatest love and my Source of Life had never been closer. When He was satisfied that I was breathing, He enfolded me in His beautiful wings, surrounding me in the comfort and the softness of His love and protection. And so my weary spirit began to slowly warm and receive His comfort. And it is here that I rest, surrounded by His tender wings of love. And I begin to heal. 

Psalm 71:20 (amp) You who have shown me many troubles and distresses will revive and renew me again, and will bring me up again from the depths of the earth. 

Sunday, January 27, 2019

A Stone in the Dump

A Stone in the Dump
January 27, 2019

As I sit, reading I Peter 2:4, I begin to see a Stone. All around the Stone is a dump, like someone threw it away. As I look at the stone closer, I notice that it is glowing with light. I move closer and as I move, I perceive that I am rolling and that I am a stone too. I am drawn to the Stone in the dump and when I am close enough, it pulls me like a magnet and I click into a niche that fits me like a glove.

I asked the Lord, what does this mean? He says to me, "This is how My House is built. Living stones (not living stone). The Stone + one stone does not make My House. There must be more. My people think that the Stone + 1 = the House, but there is a place for each of you living stones next to another stone. Not every stone can be at the top and in fact, the lower you are in My House, the closer you will be to Me.

Let yourself be drawn to the Stone. Like a magnet, I will pull you into your place. You will be crushed more the lower you go, but you will be closer to The Stone. 

Many will not come close because they think they can stand alone as My House. Many will miss out because they can't bear to go low. But those lonesome living stones will be covered up, never to be found in the dump of life, disconnected from their source, The Stone that was rejected by men.

Stubbornness and disobedience are nothing more than resisting My magnetic pull to your place in My House. It is hard for a person to go their own way, though their rebellion is like an evil driving passion. It is so contrary to what they were created to do that they must be deceived to think that striving is the right way.

Yield to My drawing. Be willing to go low and be pulled into your place to build My House. Don't struggle away when an ugly stone is pulled in next to you. For I, The Lord, will make it a perfect fit and build the perfect House for My Dwelling Place. 

The Stone that was rejected by men is the very foundation of My True Dwelling Place." 

Come to Him, the risen Lord, as to a living Stone which men rejected and threw away, but which is choice and precious in the sight of God I Peter 2:4

You, believers, like living stones, are being built up into a spiritual house for a holy and dedicated priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices that are acceptable and pleasing to God through Jesus Christ.  I Peter 2:5

So then, could it be that those spiritual sacrifices could be giving up my desire to be next to a certain person, to be in a certain place where I can be visible, to be in a place where I am (finally) recognized as important? Could it be that I give up all of my preconceived plans and yield only to His? To sacrifice my own idea of my rightful place?

Sunday, September 23, 2018


The sorrow of the betrayal takes my breath away. It causes me to cry a river of tears. Even though I cannot take responsibility for another's choices, even when they refuse to listen to truth..even then it breaks my heart. Is this what it means to bear Christ's cross of sorrow and suffering? I have never known such pain, never knew it would pierce my heart so deeply. Defend my heart my Lord for this heart is Yours. All of it. I hold none of it back.

   I bow to You and Your plan. I am Yours and I will follow You, the Lamb, wherever You go. Even to the cross, even though it hurts to the point of death. I still choose Your way. I still choose Your  plan.

An excerpt from George Warnock's Feast of Tabernacles:
It is commonly recognized that some day the saints are to become so thoroughly identified with Christ in His resurrection that we shall be exactly like Him, having bodies like unto His own glorious body, and sharing His very own life and glory. But the corresponding truth concerning our identification with His death, has scarcely dawned upon us; that we must share His Cross so vitally that it actually becomes our Cross. This is hard to really comprehend; but God is going to bring His people into that place where they shall become actually identified with the death of Christ, so much so that with this experience we shall testify, " I am crucified with Christ..." " For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection." (Rom. 6:5). The word "planted together" signifies "grown up with," and therefore thoroughly one with Him in His death. It is identification with Him, so vital and real, that His death becomes our very own.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

My Father's House

In My Father's house are many mansions...I go to prepare a place for you. (John 14:2).

In our Father's house, there are many dwelling places. Many many rooms within rooms..endless places for us to spend time exploring with Him and with each other. And that word 'mansion' is more than just a room. It is a whole mansion worth of rooms. And the Father's house is FULL of mansions, which are full of rooms. eternity of new places to explore in Him. 

And Lord, I asked, What is the difference between Your house and Your heart? Ah, I realized..Your House is the very same as Your Heart!! You dwell richly within us..and we in You.  You are in my heart..and I am a temple of the Holy Spirit..where He dwells. And I am in the Father's heart. So the Father's house is where we all abide. In His heart, in His house. 

  The Lord takes us into different chambers, alcoves, and places of His heart. He abides with us there as He imparts new treasures. We will abide in a variety of places with Him as He leads us.  And He will lead us to abide in new unexplored places with others who are His Bride because we were never meant to dwell alone. 

We will have all this to look forward to in heaven of course, but even now we dwell in heavenly places in Christ. (Ephesians  2:6) I have had this urging in my spirit to search out the depths of the heart of the Lord for months. I have been so drawn to this searching that my heart cries out with longing so great, and it has been such a mystery as to why it is so intense. And now I know..that it is my home, His heart. My Father's House. 

The richness and the treasures of His House I will explore for eternity with Him. And I am only one dwelling place. There are many many others! dwelling places within the Father's House. Many many others who are His Bride are also multi-room dwelling places. All of these we will spend forever delighting in one-by-one, in awe of the beauty the Father has for us in every new room.

John 14:3-4,6 And if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. And where I go you know, and the way you know... I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. Jesus is our way to the Father's House..and the only way to get there.

Yes, He does have an eternal home for us in heaven, but right now we can dwell in the Father's House in heavenly places. And His house is deep within His heart. Here I will abide.

Sunday, December 17, 2017

The Door The Key and the Garden

Two days ago, the Lord began to speak to me while I was at work. I was in such a state of mind that I felt I could not go on; that my life had become so dark and such a burden that I wanted to lay down and give up.

As often it does, the Word began as a picture. I saw the book The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett. Moving into the book, I saw the vine-covered wall and remembered the discovery of the door hidden under the thick ivy. I also remembered that a buried key was discovered that opened this hidden door, revealing the garden that had been kept secret and hidden for many years. It was in this garden that the two children gave to one another of themselves and each helped the other to find new hope.

Foremost in this vision was the hidden door, covered with brilliant healthy green vines of ivy. The door was so well hidden that the wall around the garden appeared solid, covered with the live green ivy, and seemingly impossible to go through.

Then there was the Key, discovered in a different time and place. The key was lovely with engraving and scroll work. When this key was found, it was thought to be a great treasure. It was turned over and over, admired for its amazing beauty and workmanship. But it was said of this Key: What good is it?

I saw that we had come so close to the hidden door so many times, never suspecting that the green beauty of the ivy hid the door to something more. We thought the life growing over the wall was all we needed. We drew close, even caressing the vines growing so thick and lush. We never thought to attempt to find a way through. We thought we had found everything we needed here close to the green fragrant vines.

Somehow I knew all these things just from the vision. I did not hear words, but the language of the Spirit spoke all this to me. But now, He spoke to me this:

One will discover the door; another will find the key. It is when these two find each other and connect that the true treasure will be revealed.
What is the door? What does it represent? It is the door of sacrifice. It is hidden and we don't even look for it because we believe we have already found the life and so we settle for the outside of the garden. Even if we discover the door, we don't look for the key. Everything seems fine as it is.

The Key is the authority of the Kingdom. It is submission to the authority of the God who rules in Jacob. It is the One on David's throne who rules the Kingdom forever.

The Door of Sacrifice is opened with the Key of Submission to the King. You cannot sacrifice with love without Submission to the King. Jesus said, in the garden of Gethsemane: Not my will but Yours be done. He was submitting to the Father, which is the Key by which He was able to walk through the hidden door of Sacrifice.

The Door to the Garden is opened only with this Key and it is secreted within the abundant life of God. Even when the door is standing wide open, many will choose another way. But this Door, which is Jesus the Sacrifice, is the only way to the Garden of Hope, Peace, Rest and intimate companionship with our Lord.

I remembered the first garden, Eden. This is the place where God planned to walk with man, in the cool of the day, when man had finished caring for the garden for the day. It was when man had stopped working and was ready for rest that God came and walked with the man. It was a garden of peace, rest and companionship with God.

The Garden is the Kingdom of God. It is where He rules in Jacob with the authority of the Throne of David where Jesus sits forever. And in this Kingdom, where we arrive through the door of sacrifice, which is opened by the key of His authority, we live by the Royal Law. We live by the Law of Love..the Law of Sacrifice. Without Sacrifice there is no rest and no peace. Sacrifice is the end of War. Sacrifice for another equals love. Be willing to walk through that door today. It is a narrow gate and most will look for another way. Be the one who finds it, opens it with the perfectly fitting Key of David, and walks through.